Posted on: 10/30/2017 by John Siebert
A good web developer can be the difference between having a great online presence and a counterintuitive, ugly website. But finding the right person for your needs can be harder than you might think. That's especially true for business owners who aren't tech savvy. Your company's online presence is an important marketing tool. Oftentimes, it's a customer or client's first experience with your business or product. Having a website that reflects your company culture, values and practices Read More
Posted on: 10/30/2017 by John Siebert
If your product is set to be sat on a shelf crammed with competitors, you want it to stand out. A label or packaging that grabs attention, but also tells your brand story, is key if it’s to catch the eyes of consumers.
The design process is as important as the packaging itself, so here are some tips to help small business owners get it right. Read More
Posted on: 10/30/2017 by John Siebert
Since the dawn of the first iPhone, Apple has been shaping the mobile narrative to suit its interests. Apple is able to maintain its dominance over the mobile market by brainwashing much of the technology industry into thinking that businesses need to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars creating and maintaining mobile apps to reach their target audiences. In fact, up to 42 percent of SMBs have built a mobile app, and that number is expected to grow to 67 percent by the end of the year. Read More
Posted on: 10/19/2017 by John Siebert
Even though a strong argument can be made claiming that every person has their own opinions of what is appealing and what is not, the truth is that you might not be as unique as you think you are. Different demographic groups have their own unique approaches to certain situations, which allows web designers to categorise certain actions they take as more or less suitable for this particular demographic. This being said, here are few ways to captivate millennials who are currently becoming one of the most influential groups in modern corporate culture. Read More
Posted on: 10/19/2017 by John Siebert
The stress of planning and executing a bachelorette party is an American rite of passage—satirized in The New Yorker and movies like Bridesmaids and Bachelorette. People say yes to extravagant getaways when they want to say no. The plan gets expensive. Assumptions get made. Feelings get hurt. Festering issues get swept under the rug. Read More
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