Website Design

Ohio Archers Association Web Design

Website Highlights

  • interactive with members
  • responsive design
  • on-line applications and credit card processing
  • complete online management of state organization
  • seo optimized

Ohio Archers Association Web Design

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JPS Design Group developed this website for Ohio Archers Association as way to reach their membership, promote new membership, promote tournaments and results from their tournaments to existing and new members. Ohio Archers Association ( is the local state chapter of a national archery association. This site serves two purposes – to provide information to its members about organization info/rules, upcoming/past events, competition scores and standings and to promote membership into the national organization. The site has extensive event management, event scoring, a shooter-of-the-year point system, historical records, membership, and much more. The on-line applications allow only a few people to maintain and manage all the archery events for the state including posting the information for an event, event registration, event checking, scoring per classes and presentation/medal labeling. The website also includes on-line payment for event registration, and it is the software backbone to the state organization. The site has been optimized for SEO placement and receives nearly 5000 visits a month. It was completely designed and built in-house.