Posted on: 10/12/2017 by John Siebert
Most searches are done on a cell phone and it’s time to put a mobile SEO strategy in place. Here are 7 tips you need to help you get started. Did you know that mobile devices account for more than 52% of all Internet searches?  Read More
Posted on: 10/12/2017 by John Siebert
A web presence is a fundamental part of business. It’s a virtual brick and mortar that provides customers and potential clients essential information for doing business with your company. By having this information available online, phone calls are cut down and employee time can be used for other projects. A good website with proper maintenance can only benefit your business.  Read More
Posted on: 10/12/2017 by John Siebert
For years, I’ve been saying that public relations practitioners should make the best search engine optimization professionals. In fact, I even wrote about it 10 years ago. Little has changed since then. The premise is simple: Search engines like quality links.  Read More
Posted on: 10/10/2017 by John Siebert
Twenty-some years ago, we found ourselves in awe of how computers and the internet changed so many aspects of life. Just when we thought technology had reached its peak, we were also blithely aware that more was going to unfold. Today we can only look back at the impact the digital revolution made on how we communicate, the way we work, and even the way we socialize. Graphic design is no exception to this change. Technology now plays a major role in the creation of digital work available in many fields. Portfolio design, presentations, signage, logos, websites, animations and even architectural production have all traveled far since the dawn of the digital revolution.  Read More
Posted on: 10/10/2017 by John Siebert
Have you ever wondered why your website isn’t generating any traffic? Perhaps you have traffic, but it’s the wrong audience and not converting. Maybe it’s because you are still living in the past. Many are still using SEO practices that were effective years ago, but have no value today.  Read More
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