Posted on: 1/22/2018 by John Siebert
Branding is crucial for every business. Your logo and website should clearly communicate the ethos of your company, and the first impression your business gives off has a massive impact on whether or not customers will buy from you, and whether they will remain loyal. A survey found that 48% of consumers admitted the most critical time to gain loyalty is when they make their first purchase, or start using a service.  Read More
Posted on: 1/22/2018 by John Siebert
Congrats if you’re reading this article. That means you’ve taken the plunge and are ready to start and grow your own business. It can be daunting when it comes to developing your business model, how much it will cost to launch, and how you will get your customers.  Read More
Posted on: 1/5/2018 by John Siebert
You’ve probably heard about the Metldown and Spectre CPU security flaws that are making headlines around the world. So, if you’re looking to protect your device from these issues, you’ve come to the right place. Update: Apple has now admitted that Meltdown and Spectre flaws affect its Mac and iPhone products, so we've updated our advice in the relevant sections.   Read More
Posted on: 12/29/2017 by John Siebert
Another year has come and gone, and as usual, SEOs had their work cut out for them. Many issues were top of mind for SEO practitioners in 2017, from concerns about the impact of an unannounced algorithm update to speculation about the impending mobile-first index.  Read More
Posted on: 12/29/2017 by John Siebert
Which mobile app did people download the most in 2017? Which Android app? Which iOS app? Glad you asked. Both Google (which makes Android) and Apple (which makes iOS) have announced the most downloaded mobile apps of 2017. Some are surprises. Others? Not so much.  Read More
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