Posted on: 8/4/2017 by John Siebert
A11 Fusion processor that is slated to power Apple's iPhone models this fall. Although this information doesn't seem like a lot, it tells us quite a lot about the innovations that Apple plans to bring to the new chip.  Read More
Posted on: 8/4/2017 by John Siebert
So much information is being delivered to consumers nowadays that you only have seconds to get their attention. And with the rise of packaging design blogs, unboxing videos and social sharing, designers are facing even greater challenges in creating valuable packaging that gets the attention of the masses.  Read More
Posted on: 7/15/2017 by John Siebert
One of the most powerful and useful tools that can be brought to a business via a web designer/developer is online applications (apps). These are not standalone native applications like you have for desktop computer, tablet or smart phone. Instead these are web based applications that live on and work on a web server in some far distant corner of the world and are operated on any platform through any standard web browser.  Read More
Posted on: 6/1/2017 by John Siebert
There are two different camps in the world of web design. The first is having a web designer/developer build a custom website from scratch. The second is to use a Content Management Systems (CMS) with their included templates. Each has benefits and short comings.   Read More
Posted on: 5/20/2017 by John Siebert
If you need a heart replacement would you go to the guy next door that hunts deer? Or, would you seek out a professional who has done this before? Remember your website is viewed by more people than any brochure, article, display ad, billboard, etc. that you have ever done. A professional designer can properly design your website to target the audience that you are seeking with the proper image and branding message that your company utilizes. Remember, first impressions are everything. You have to make the right one.  Read More
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