Posted on: 8/14/2017 by John Siebert
Apple AAPL +1.42%’s HomePod accident delivered a mother lode of iPhone 8 information. The company’s own code verified two exclusives (1, 2) I published last month and now in conjunction with this I can confirm the iPhone 8’s production-ready final design...  Read More
Posted on: 8/9/2017 by John Siebert
Luka Rayski is a Polish artist, illustrator, and designer. In 2016 he was asked to contribute a piece of work on the subject of democracy to a project called Demokracja Ilustrowana (Democracy Illustrated). The poster he designed has rapidly become the ubiquitous symbol of the resistance against the expanding influence of the far right in Polish politics. Rayski’s design brilliantly deconstructs the word konstytucja (constitution) highlighting, in the colors of the Polish flag, the words for “you” and “me” hidden within it. This simple, universal message of unity has proved to have broad appeal across a huge cross section of the Polish population.  Read More
Posted on: 8/9/2017 by John Siebert
E-commerce websites depend on conversions (lead and revenue generation) to survive. That’s why pushing out evergreen content is crucial for staying relevant today.  Read More
Posted on: 8/9/2017 by John Siebert
Was it m@nk3yP@$$w01rd or m0nk3yp@ssw0!rd?   Read More
Posted on: 8/8/2017 by John Siebert
Gizmo maker Apple just launched its official Instagram account, @apple. But this isn’t your average corporate account as the company doesn’t want to showcase its own product ad nauseam. Instead, Apple is going to share photos shot with an iPhone.  Read More
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