Posted on: 8/18/2017 by John Siebert
Minimalist design is everywhere, and it’s especially popular among web designers. It’s easy to see the appeal: Many of minimalism’s core tenets mesh very well with the constraints of modern UI and UX design, especially on mobile devices.  Read More
Posted on: 8/18/2017 by John Siebert
It is no longer enough to design a website solely for the desktop screen. The growing market of mobile phones and tablets is compelling web designers to reconsider how their work would be displayed on various devices. People are using their smartphones more often than accessing their desktops today. This necessitates a responsive web design.  Read More
Posted on: 8/17/2017 by John Siebert
This is too important to let I posted this article so a few more people can read what Apple's CEO had to say about this issue. Much like politicians, tech company CEOs are nowadays expected to take a position on the big social issues facing their country, and Apple boss Tim Cook has been the latest to join the fray with an email sent to all global employees of the company on Wednesday night, which was obtained by Recode. In the email, Cook provides a strong response to the violence on display in Charlottesville over the weekend, and he goes on to make an unequivocal call about who was in the wrong.  Read More
Posted on: 8/17/2017 by John Siebert
One of the first things to remember before you attempt to create a successful website for your small business is that it won’t be easy. It takes a lot of time and effort to achieve the perfect balance, along with how it actually functions and how appealing it is to the eye.  Read More
Posted on: 8/17/2017 by John Siebert
Search engine optimization (SEO) may sound like rocket science for those who are not familiar with it. It may be complicated at some level, but it really doesn’t have to be that way, especially when it comes to the basic steps. There are SEO techniques that anyone can easily do, even for those who are not highly technically savvy. You can also find a small business SEO company that can help you improve your online presence and help you develop an effective SEO strategy for a successful online campaign.  Read More
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