Posted on: 8/25/2017 by John Siebert
As much as human beings love to be told stories to help understand the world around them, we’re still inherently visual creatures by nature. Thus, the best way for us to understand something, relate to it, learn from it, and have it speak to us is to give it a beautiful appearance. This is also the best way to get us to buy a product, subscribe to a service, or choose a partner. However you slice it, packaging counts, right down to the logo.  Read More
Posted on: 8/25/2017 by John Siebert
A recent study of eye tracking on product packaging indicates that customers are spending fractions of seconds reading labels and making buying decisions. In many cases, as little as 1/20 of a second is spent on eyeing packaging.  Read More
Posted on: 8/25/2017 by John Siebert
The online environment can be an unforgiving place. You can make one mistake with your social media, post something insensitive or offensive, and the internet won’t let you forget about it. You could end up in one of those lists of “top social media fails of 2017”, or get ongoing negative comments on your Facebook or Twitter account. But it’s not just the social media risk, either it is your entire online reputation.  Read More
Posted on: 8/25/2017 by John Siebert
Using a printing press rather than a computer and printer can be both fun and inventive, according to several professors.  Read More
Posted on: 8/25/2017 by John Siebert
Search engine optimization (SEO) relies on many factors to be successful, but one of the most important is the marketer’s ability to measure and interpret SEO data. There are a few qualities of SEO that make it depend on this period of analysis to be successful.  Read More
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